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ALM6 logo

General information

Not just good for hosting lipid conferences! There's plenty to see and do here. Please check out

We recommend hotel accommodation at South Bank, or in the city itself. This will enable easy access to UQ and QUT using the CityCat ferry. Please have a look at for location, pricing and availability of hotel accommodation for ALM6.

Public transport
All train, bus and ferry trips have recently been capped at just 50c, regardless of trip length. You will need a GoCard, which can be purchased at stations, newsagents etc. Please see for more information. Depending on where you are staying the CityCat ferry is a great way to get to/from both UQ and QUT.

Brisbane Airport operates separate Domestic and International terminals. A taxi/uber from the airport to the city will cost roughly $40. There is also an Airport train, which will cost $10. Please see for more information

Spring in Brisbane is the best time of year. Days are sunny, around 25°C, with low humidity and little rain. Night time temperatures are around 16°C. Pack your thongs.